Scholarship and Grant Request

The Montana Oral Health Foundation administers three different grant/scholarship programs.

The MOHF Grant. The Montana Oral Health Foundation awards grants to advance the oral health of Montana citizens. Grant requests are considered at the fall Foundation Board meeting which usually occurs in late September or October of each year. Grants are limited in funding, but can be used to support education programs, provide public information, facilitate care for indigent Montanans, and advance oral health in Montana. Read more and download the MOHF Grant application form.

Mary McCue Predental Student Scholarship. The Montana Oral Health Foundation annually awards the Mary McCue Predental Student Scholarship to partially fund Montana baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate students pursuing a career in dentistry to attend an introductory pre-dental clinic simulation course offered by dental schools. The Scholarship was established in memory or Mary McCue, Esq., friend of dentistry and past Executive Director of the Montana Dental Association, to encourage Montana pre-dental students who demonstrate a passion for the profession of dentistry. Read more and download the Mary McCue application.